

About Us

TAYM Company

It is a well-established company in several fields, the most important of expert fields are foreign trade, medical tourism and medical consultations.

Logistics Services

We provide you with commercial services in Turkey aimed at providing the best safe experience to customers by providing commercial facilities and services in each of the stages before, during and after the completion of the process of purchasing products in Turkey.

Medical Tourism and Medical Consultation

We also specialize in facilitating medical tourism, and medical consultations We organize the right treatment for everyone around the world. We have medical centers in Istanbul as our allies to provide you with the best results in medical consultations and treatment as well. We are passionate about providing high quality, affordable healthcare to our customers.

TAYM Company



Logistics Services

Through years of working in logistic services for arabian countries and the rest of the world, our company is aiming to be trusting and supporting for its clients in Turkey.
From Istanbul and Turkey, and the gate that reaches between east and west, we unleashed our services to the middle east and the rest of the world through many years of experience in logistic services, and as we are trusted by our clintes, and our precise understanding for their needs in shipping and transportion and logistics, and our extensive knowledge for the laws, and the procedures followed internationally and in the arabian world in order to achieve the desired goal.


Medical Tourism and Medical Consultation

• We provide complete journey guidance for patients who are looking for quality medical services with reasonable prices.
• We coordinate all medical appointments that do not waste time.
• We arrange and reserve the necessary accommodation before and after the patient's stay in the hospital, trips and visas for the patient and his family companions.
• We also offer different tourist packages for those patients who want to stay more and enjoy their stay in Turkey before or after receiving treatment.
• We facilitate all post-treatment procedures to ensure a safe and successful recovery for the patient.